Built for you using the most reliable and modern platform available.

We've built the most reliable and modern pet care booking and payments system in the industry - a feat that is cost-prohibitive for most pet care organizations.

Leverage the existing platform and focus on customization to improve and automate your business process. Automatically collect royalties, visualize franchisee or business location sales data, quickly establish new locations, or solve any other business process issue.

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Highly experienced technologists that understand the pet care industry.

Intake Forms

Custom Design/Build

Get what you need to reach the next level in your business process.

To run a business today, software is required. Off-the-shelf software plugs holes and processes must be adapted.

Custom or in-house development is expensive, costing hundreds of thousands to achieve basic functionality offered by BusyPaws. It also requires ongoing development and improvements as business requirements evolve and new information is learned.

Focusing on the back-end business processes you need to improve and customize for your organization reduces the cost of custom development, delivers more to your organization, and can be built and deployed quickly.

Existing Modern Pet Care Platform

Don't reinvent the wheel, use our finely tuned 4x4.

We've solved the client facing booking and payments needs for pet care businesses. We continue to monitor and improve these processes using current best-practices and extensive data gathered via tens of thousands of bookings every month.

You benefit from this knowledge and ongoing development so we can focus on the most important next level needs of your organization.

Highly Experienced Development Team

Our team delivers high quality software.

Building contractors can expose you, and your home, to risk if they're not experienced or don't possess the skills needed to execute the job. Software development is similar yet it's more difficult to identify if there are issues for months or years after the build.

We've built and deployed software for some of the world's largest software companies and organizations. Our team possesses decades worth of enterprise software development experience in high demand environments (millions of users).

You can rest easy that you're choosing the Toyota of pet care business software development: Reliable, functional and extremely high build quality.

Live Support

Dedicated on-demand support for your entire organization.

Reach our team via in-app live chat or scheduled video calls for training, immediate help, or just to be pointed in the right direction. Reach a human when you need more than self-guided support.

With custom builds, we include custom help documentation for all processes unique to your organization.

MessagingInvoicingBusyPaws UI
"In the past, there were only two choices - Go with a dog-training specific platform, and sacrifice UI and features, or go with a generic solution to get modern UI and features, but no dog training functionality.

With BusyPaws, we get the best of both worlds - modern design with cutting edge features, and the dog training specific functionality for our needs."

- Andre Yeu, CPDT-KA, KPACTP, When Hounds Fly

Our Process

Our process is simple and effective in delivering solutions to uncovered needs and issues.

Step 1


Our team will sit with you to learn more about the issues you're facing, your current implementation and solutions, your business goals, and identify the most important metrics you want to influence.

We may ideate some to identify potential solutions to the issues presented to inform the next step.

Step 2

Build Scoping

To identify accurate timelines and costs, we must clarify the functionality that needs to be built. We'll do this collaboratively with you and your team, identifying critical success factors that must be delivered.

After discussion with your team we'll compile a scope of work (SoW), including timelines and deliverables.

Step 3

Proposal and Contract

Using the SoW developed in collaboration with your team we'll deliver a proposal to begin your build. Each proposal contains three components:

  • Scope of Work for the project, including timelines and deliverables
  • Fixed pricing for deliverables within the SoW
  • 2 - 5 Year contract for ongoing support and billing

Step 4

Build, Testing and Acceptance

At each step within the SoW we'll build the described functionality and deploy to a server dedicated for your team to test and accept the functionality as delivered, or provide feedback so that we can design to your expectations and needs.

Depending on the scope of the project, this could take 1-6 months. We prefer to keep to shorter timelines to deliver value to your business as quickly as possible.

Step 5

Delivery, Deployment and Onboarding

We handle all software deployment, hosting, and maintenance. Once deployed to live production servers, we'll schedule onboarding and training for each of your franchisees or locations.

Our experience shows that the onboarding period for a client to get comfortable with the functionality of BusyPaws is 1-2 weeks. This can happen concurrently with all of your franchisees and locations, or in series in batches.

Ongoing service and support billing begins at this time.

Step 6

Ongoing Support

Our team is always available for your entire organization to get answers or receive technical support.

As BusyPaws is a platform for all pet care businesses, you benefit from ongoing development to the base platform - adapting to needs and expectations from the market.

You may require additional development as your business requirements change as well. A similar and shorter process can be deployed for each of these changes.